October 2021 - version 1.2.13

Release date for production: October 18, 2021


This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.13 for D365/AX2012. Update of D365/AX2012 is not generally mandatory but some of the fixes or features require the Dynamics package to be installed.

New Features

Payment information

NPO Invoice Handling

PO Invoice Handling

  • Support for Product Receipts (PRs) that are received via D365 Inventory Management and allocated to different locations
  • Due date from PO 
    • Contact support@dooap.com to activate this feature
    • Due date will be brought from PO to invoice header upon PO matching
    • If there are multiple PO’s with different due dates matched against the invoice, Dooap will show the due date that was matched last on the invoice. Due date detected on the invoice or calculated based on PO payment terms will be overwritten.

Admin and Search

  • Vendor Management: 'VendorGroup' field extended to 60 signs.
  • Vendor Default Currency: When the currency segment is empty or does not exist in XML, Dooap will populate the currency to the invoice from the Vendor Default Currency.
  • Signing limits – Optional feature to have Dooap approval limits imported from D365. Click here to learn more.
  • New search improvements:
    • Invoice selection happens with a checkbox
    • Users can edit workflow (excluded: workflow preset selection, fetch from PO options or conditional approver(s)) 
    • Compact view in split workflow
    • Net amount visible on NPO invoices’ coding lines

    AX2012 Support

    • Virtual Bank account support for AX2012
    • Custom fields for AX2012


    To Implement or learn more of the new configuration possibilities in your Dooap, please contact support@dooap.com.


    • Fix for situation when invoices covering multiple PRs with unit conversions failed
    • Fix for project PO invoices with different project categories on PO header and lines
    • Fix for the grey shadow covering the invoice history log upon scrolling
    • Fix for scroll down arrow on pdf display not being visible in case of long pdfs
    • Fix for the open period check in AP view
    • Fix for duplicate invoice not being always highlighted
    • Fix for final invoices with split distribution going to Pending invoices: applies only to the POs that have no postings done yet. POs with invoices posted before the fix will require manual posting.
    • Position hierarchy when selected approver has no approval limit is now triggered correctly
    • Fix for validation rules not applying due to coding row not being created
    • Fix for use tax on PO invoices: use tax amount will no longer be showed in Dooap
    • Fix for percentage based Misc. charges not being calculated correctly when PO line contains line discounts.
    • Fix for Vendor status Disabled not updating in Dooap correctly when vendors have been disabled by a script.

    Known issues

    • Old value remains to method of payment field when changing companies
    • When Procurement category PO contains line discounts, invoices transferred to D365 stop at pending invoices
    • Remit to address is not visible on the Payment request creation tab
    • Invoices with percentage based misc. charges with taxes are posted with incorrect accounting distributions for those misc. charges causing Over/under distributed error.



    Mobile fixes

    • Fixes for due date texts in FI, EN and DE language
    • Workflow users now need UseSecurityClassInvoices permission to view invoice picture in Mobile
    • Fix for issue: coding line screen gets blank and creates extra coding lines when powering off (Android specific issue)
    • Support for changing Main Dimension when Main Account is not first dimension in Account Structure (D365/AX2012).
    • Fix for issue: Chinese characters coming to line property field

    Mobile know issues

    • Dimension Based Approval (DBA): not able to select all users with valid access rights to branches