Importing Approval Limits from D365 to Dooap

How can signing limits set in D365 be imported to Dooap? Is it possible to set approval limits in Dooap based on the signing limits in D365?

In D354 it is possible to set signing limits which can be imported to Dooap as approval limits for the users. Approval limits determine which invoices a user is authorized to approve. If an invoice exceeds the set limit for the company and invoice type, the user cannot be an approver for that specific invoice.

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Configuration in D365


Signing limits are managed within D365 and are associated with specific jobs.


Here's how it works:

  • All users are linked to workers in D365.
  • Each worker is assigned to a position, which is tied to a job.
  • The signing limits are set based on the job associated with the position.
  • These limits apply to Invoice document types.


Managing Approval Limits in Dooap


Dooap retrieves approval limits from D365 and applies them to all active invoice types within the company code. Only limits maintained in the company’s accounting currency are imported.

If D365 contains overlapping limits across different policies, Dooap will import the higher limit.

While limits can be temporarily adjusted within Dooap, these changes will be overwritten by the nightly import from D365.

Important Note: Approval limits will be removed for all users not included in the Signing Limits policy in D365. This also applies if any prerequisites are not met.


In Dooap, imported limits are displayed in black, while manually overridden limits are shown in blue.