March 2021 - version 1.2.10

Release date for production: March 15th, 2021


This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.10 for D365. Update of D365/AX2012 is not generally mandatory but some of the fixes or features require the Dynamics package to be installed.

Customers utilizing miscellaneous charges with PO matching will need to deploy the new Dooap 1.2.10 D365/AX2012 package. There is no backward compatibility due to the new feature: percentage based misc. charges.

Overview of Features

New Features

  • Automation for AP step
    • It is now possible to allow invoices containing no errors or warnings to automate the initial AP phase. In this case the invoice will be automatically sent to the next step in workflow. For matching PO invoices this enables touchless AP. Click here to learn more about the feature.
  • Dimension Based Approval (DBA)
    • Dimension Based Approval tracks invoice coding and forces the approval workflow only to approvers who have been assigned approval rights for the selected dimension values. Click here to learn more about the feature.
  • Remittance address
    • New field on the invoice header 'Remit to address'. Addresses are fetched from D365 real time. Click here to learn more. To enable this field, contact 
  • New permission to edit only the invoice posting date
    • This permission will allow reviewers and approvers to edit the invoice posting date without being able to change any other invoice header data. Click here to read more.
  • New color to highlight completed workflow
    • Closed workflow branch is now indicated with a blue circle at the last step of the workflow. Green circle still indicates an active step. Closed approvals are not sent back to the reviewer, but all steps are reset if the invoice is sent back to AP.
  • Improved support for misc charges
    • Percentage-based misc charges are now working in Dooap. Click here to learn more.
    • When PO contains multiple lines, but only one line is selected for matching, Dooap brings only the misc charges that are allocated to that line, instead of all charges on the PO.
    • Misc charges that are not affecting invoice’s amount, but instead only create internal postings are now recognized by Dooap. Note! Dooap does not check the tax settings for misc charges: if the misc charges have settings that do not allow taxes, Dooap will not prevent those. Click here to learn more.
  • Invoice type logic improvements for PO invoices:
    • When a vendor has a PO invoice type default, this is the invoice type that should be chosen upon import of the invoice when PO is detected in the XML file.
    • If there is no default on vendor setting, or the default is non-PO, invoice type will be checked from company code default.
    • If the company code default is a nonPO invoice type, then the invoice will check the default from the Invoice types.
Other new features:
  • A comment is now mandatory when deleting an attachment (file(s) attached to an invoice)
  • Changing the coding via pasting values from excel or from previous invoices is now logged
  • Workflow can now be split into more than 8 branches
  • Machine Learning improvements: predictions are hidden when workflow is split
  • (Pilot) New Search improvements: creating a user filter preset
  • (Pilot) Technical: delta (only changed) vendor master data import every 5 minutes

To Implement or learn more of the new configuration possibilities in your Dooap, please contact


  • Searching dimensions with '#' as the first character is now working properly
  • Copy-pasting amount with single column paste is now working
  • Fix for failing Product receipt import: import is now split per company code and vendor
  • Vendors with names containing '#' do no longer break bank account details request
  • If the vendor is recognized based on PO number present in the XML, Dooap will now assign the AutoPost tick according to vendor settings.
  • Invoices with unrecognized vendors will now be automatically marked with AutoPost on.
  • Clicking on filled fields no longer empties them in multiline project coding
  • When the vendor is recognized based on Purchase Order, the duplicate invoice check is working
  • Copy-pasting values from Excel fixed for customers using 'DimensionLiveFiltering' (customer who have tens of thousands of dimension values)

Known issues

  • Old value remains on Method of Payment field when changing companies
  • When Procurement category’s Main account/dimension field is activated, the financial dimensions are emptied
  • When Procurement category PO contains line discounts, invoices transferred to D365 stop at pending invoices
  • Remit to address is not visible on the Payment Request creation tab
  • Invoices with percentage, and fixed misc charges created in D365, show variance on accounting distributions, however, voucher postings are ok.
  • Dimension Based Approval (DBA)
    • Workflow presets and ML selections are not yet hidden from users (however clicking them does nothing)
    • Approvers can still edit all lines on the invoice
    • Adding a new dimension in the TTP page might make the invoice disappear if the user refreshes the screen before adding a new approver. Approver can be added from the search screen later.
    • Workflow updates only after refresh/close & re-open coding lines after copy pasting values from excel
    • Does not work with position hierarchy

Mobile New features

  • Opening attachments functionality is available
  • Support for procurement by dimension
  • English translations checkup and improvement

    Mobile Known Issues

    • PDF attachments do not open with Android version 10
    • Invoice images do not open with multitenant environments
    • On tapping dimensions, orange color is showing in Android only