Automating the AP Step

How can automation be utilized in the AP step?

By automating the AP step, invoices that pass the following checks and show no abnormalities can skip the initial AP step and be sent directly to the workflow. This feature enables error-free and warning-free invoices to skip the initial AP phase. Depending on the setup, the invoice may:

  1. Automatically proceed to the next configured step in the workflow. This will require that the next step is automatically identified/configured.
  2. Automatically match to a Purchase Order and skip approval, provided there is a perfect 3-way match and the AutoApprove setting is enabled. The invoice will then move directly to Transfer to Payment (TTP).

Only invoices without warnings or errors will advance automatically. Any invoices containing errors or warnings will require manual processing by AP personnel. If an invoice is rejected or returned to AP by a reviewer or approver, it will remain in the invoice handling page pending manual intervention.

For security class invoices, all AP personnel will have access to view the invoice image on the TTP and Search pages.

An invoice history log is created for each step and validation result, providing detailed information on invoices that deviated from the Auto AP settings.



It is possible to configure a rule affecting all invoices or on a per-supplier basis.

Automation for all invoices

Auto AP rule can be applied in the Admin > Companies > Select a company > Invoice types view per company. The rule can there be configured to affect all invoices under the selected invoice type.

Company level invoice types


Automation on a per-supplier basis


In Admin > Vendors > Select a vendor view, you can set AP automation on a per-supplier basis.


AP automation rule

Vendor settings offer three options:

  • Yes: Auto AP is activated for all invoices from this vendor.
  • No: Auto AP is deactivated for all invoices from this vendor.
  • Company Code Level: The vendor follows the company code settings (this is the default option for all vendors).

This configuration allows for the management of exceptions associated with company code settings.


Requirements for AP Automation

To ensure AP automation functions correctly, the following steps must be successfully completed.

  1. Invoice Importation and Recognition:

    • The invoice is imported into Dooap and identified as either a non-PO invoice or a PO-invoice.
  2. Header Level Validation:

    • All mandatory fields are completed with valid data.
    • A duplicate check is performed according to D365's settings, and no anomalies are detected.
    • A basic header validation check finds no issues (e.g., the invoice amount and date are within the acceptable ranges, the currency is correct).
  3. Coding Level Checks (per coding validation rule):

    • If a vendor template is assigned to a vendor, coding from the template is copied and checked for validity (feature not yet supported).
    • If the validation rule states that invoice coding is not mandatory, the invoice can proceed to verification/approval without coding.
    • If the rule requires that the main account or any other specific field is mandatory, the invoice cannot move forward without these details in place.
  4. PO Invoice Specific Checks:

    • If the invoice is a PO invoice and the product receipts match the invoice amount, it can be sent for approval or AutoApproval.
  5. Workflow Configuration:

    • At least the next step in the workflow must be assigned to a valid user.
    • Vendor defaults should include a default workflow.
    • Non-PO or PO-invoice types should have a default workflow.
    • Company defaults should include a default workflow.

If all these checks are completed without any errors, the invoice can automatically be sent to the reviewer/approver, eliminating the need for AP review.