Matching of PO Invoices

How are PO invoices matched in Dooap? How can I access the product order in D365 from Dooap? Where can I set auto-matching tolerance? What is waiting for PR status?

When the invoice type is PO, invoice total will be matched to purchase order lines. When invoice type is selected, Dooap opens the PO and product receipt selection automatically.


Selecting Product Orders and Product Receipts


Selected POs and product receipts are shown in blue on top of the black area.



  • To select POs and/or product receipts, click the order or receipt that is displayed in the white box.
    • If you click a PO number from the list to select it, Dooap will automatically select all product receipts that belong to that PO.
  • To deselect POs and/or product receipts, click the order or receipt that is displayed in grey in the white box or click the X icon next to the order/receipt number in the black area.
  • With the refresh button you can update the PO and product order data from D365/AX2012.
  • When the correct POs and receipts are selected, click Done.

After clicking Done, PO lines are fetched to Dooap. You can change the quantities and unit prices if they are different on the invoice than what they are in the purchase order. Dooap calculates the amount from the lines and shows if there is difference between invoice and PO.



If there are extra charges on the invoice, you can add them as miscellaneous charges by clicking Add miscellaneous charges.

  • Miscellaneous charges are allocated to PO lines.

Project ID, Activity, and Category are visible in Dooap PO lines. Users can hover over the value for a description.



Using Auto-Matching Tolerance


Each PO invoice type is possible to configure with an auto-matching tolerance.

  • The tolerance is selected by a value in invoice currency and percentage of invoice total.
  • Tolerance must be within both settings - such as “below $1.00 USD and 1% of invoice total” to go through. But can also be posted to a ledger account (such as “freight”).
  • Posting of the tolerance is in the miscellaneous charges, and defined in Dynamics 365.
    • The field gives you a selection of miscellaneous charge codes which are created there and those need to be defined.




If the matching difference is shown in green, the difference is within tolerance. Auto-matching will go through normally. The discrepancy is split across each PO lines, weighed by line total amount.



If the matching difference is shown in red, Dooap will warn about incorrect matching. The matching will not go through.




Link to PO in D365


When there are PO's attached to an invoice, you can access the product order in D365 by clicking Open PO in D365.


open po



Waiting for PR Status



Invoices can transition between statuses based on the presence or absence of Purchase Receipts (PRs). To activate this feature, please contact Dooap via email


  • New invoices that have 3-way matched POs but lack associated PRs will initially be assigned the "Waiting for PR" status upon their arrival in Dooap.
  • Users have the flexibility to manually toggle the status between "New" and "Waiting for PR".
  • Invoices designated as "Waiting for PR" are automatically moved to the bottom of the Next invoices section. 
  • Invoices will remain under this status until a PR is created for at least one associated PO.
  • When PRs are received in Dooap (via CEF or AX import), the system will attempt to auto-match the invoice.

  • If the due date or cash discount date, if applicable is in X days, the invoice may be automatically advanced to the next workflow step, allowing the reviewer or approver to verify that the PR has been created.

Additionally, while there is a default company setting for the duration an invoice stays in the "Waiting for PR" status, this can be customized at the vendor level.

Users can specify how long after the invoice date the invoice should remain in the "Waiting for PR" status if the PR is missing.



The company setting can be overridden on the vendor level, where user can define how long after the invoice date the invoice should stay in "Waiting for PR" status is the PR is missing.


PO Invoice Field Values





Purchase order line number

PO line number in Dynamics


Item ID @ Name

Product number and name in Dynamics


Matching quantity

Quantity of received items allocated to this invoice line. Defaults to all non-invoiced products received. Adjustable by user in case of a partial invoice.


Matching price

Unit price used for invoice matching. Adjustable by user in case of unit price changes. (Note: changing the unit price will reset automatic 3-way matching and requires additional approval).


Unit price

Original unit price for line item. (tax not incl.)


Price unit

Original price unit for line item. (tax not incl.)


Line total

Line total matching amount (tax not incl.) = Matching price * Matching quantity (/Price unit)



Status of received lines in Dynamics.


Product receipt

Product receipt (=Packing Slip) number from Dynamics. Marked by star if a line has multiple receivables. Lines with multiple receivables can be expanded by clicking the arrow. Support for Product Receipts (PR's) that are received via Dynamics 365 Inventory Management and allocated to different locations.


Delivery date

Delivery date from the Receipt.



Original line quantity.


PO number

Purchase order number.


Allocated to invoices

In case the same receipt has been allocated to another invoice, the invoice number is shown in this field. Simultaneous allocations of receivals should be amended before matching.



Project ID from Dynamics 365


Project Activity

Project activity number from Dynamics 365


Project Category

Project category from Dynamics 365


Misc. Charges

Miscellaneous charge allocation. Apply miscellaneous charges below and select the charges. You can use this field to allocate/deallocate the charges to each PO line by clicking the field value.


Procurement category

PO line procurement category.


Line discount amount

PO line discount amount.


Line discount percentage

PO line discount percentage.


Sales tax group

PO line sales tax group.


Sales tax group item

PO line sales tax group item.


Tax Amount

Line tax amount. Adjustable total, independent from tax groups.



PO Line Quantity unit.