PO/PR number is not available / selectable

Unable to find correct Purchase Order or Product Receipt number / Not available

  1. PO has been created, but will not show up in the list of available purchase orders.
  2. PR number is not selectable. PR is not automatically selected when you select the purchase order.
  3. Unable to match the invoice.


Solution for missing PO number

  1. PO has not yet been imported to Dooap. Press the refresh button to fetch any new purchase orders that have arrived since the last update. An Admin user may also perform a full ax data import.
  2. PO has been created but is in draft status. Approve and confirm the PO in D365/AX2012.
  3. Invoices should be matched against the invoice account, not vendor account. Check that the PO's invoice account has been selected as vendor in Dooap.
  4. Check that the company selection is correct in Dooap.

Solution for missing PR number

  1. Refresh the PR list using the refresh button.
  2. Check the PO is still in open order status and has not been fully invoiced/closed.
  3. Double-check the PR is not canceled and that there are no duplicate PR's that have been canceled.
  4. Double-check that there is a PR with the received quantity available. In D365/AX2012, check PO's General/Line quantity information to see the available to invoice quantity.
  5. Check the invoice account of the PR - it is possible that the invoice account differs if the PO's invoice account was changed. If that is the case, cancel and recreate the PR under the correct invoice account.
  6. Check the PR - if the PR has 2 lines on it - one line with a (-) qty and one line with a (+) qty and the total value = 0. Because the total value of the lines = 0, the PR will not pull into Dooap because Dooap thinks there is nothing to pull in (i.e. the PR has been canceled or already used). A quick fix for this is to create 2 separate PRs – one PR with the (-) qty and one PR with the (+) qty. Dooap will recognize the total value of each PR as a value >0 and pull in the PRs.