Matching quantity is 0 or negative

The matching quantity for Purchase Order invoice is 0 or negative. Using fetch lines button does not fetch correct quantities.

This problem occurs when a PO-line has been previously allocated to another Dooap invoice. Full matching quantity is automatically allocated to PO-invoices in scanning order, until manually adjusted.

Finding and releasing the allocation:

  • In the Received & ordered view, click the settings wheel and activate Allocated to invoices column. matching_quantity
  • Check the Allocated to invoices column - if there is an invoice number, that means that this PO-line has been fully or partially allocated to another invoice.
  • Click the invoice number or use the filter or search function to find the invoice.

    • If the invoice has not yet been processed, you can correct the matching quantity. Tip: You can do this directly in the search screen to all invoices by using PO number as the search filter.

    • If the invoice has been processed, and the PO-line quantity has been fully allocated, your new invoice may be a duplicate. Check the PO status and available-to-invoice line quantities in D365.