How to login to Dooap? What is the Dooap login page? What is Login failed (does not have an active subscription) error?
Dooap is available for use in web browsers Edge and Chrome, with the links provided below.
Additionally, for reviewing and approving invoices, we offer the Dooap Mobile app. You can find more details about the app below.
Login page for PROD environment | |
Login page for TEST environment |
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Login page for PROD environment | |
Login page for TEST environment | |
Download Dooap Mobile from App Store or Google Play.
Login with same credentials you use to login to the desktop application.
Further information regarding Dooap Mobile can be found here: Dooap Mobile.
Login failed (does not have an active subscription)
If you are trying to login and receive and error "Login failed (does not have an active subscription)" please follow these instructions.
This error typically occurs when attempting to log in to Dooap through a browser that already has cached Microsoft credentials. The browser automatically tries to use these stored credentials for the Dooap login.
Resolving the Issue
To resolve this, try logging into Dooap using the browser's incognito or private mode.
This ensures the browser does not use cached credentials, allowing you to enter your Dooap login details manually.
For guidance on using incognito or private mode, please refer to the instructions provided by browser manufacturers for the most commonly used browsers below.
💡You can save the Dooap URL to your bookmarks, and by right-clicking the bookmark, you have the option to open the link directly in incognito or private mode.
MFA Reset: Logging into Dooap PowerBI reports
In case your device has changed and you need help with adding the MFA to a new device, please refer to this article: Resetting Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).