Automating the Approval of Non-PO Invoices

What does automating the approval of NPO invoices mean? How to enable automatic NPO invoice approval?


Approving non-PO invoices can be automated based on a monetary threshold. Due to this, invoices that do not involve a purchase order (non-PO invoices) are automatically approved if they fall below a certain amount. This monetary threshold is predefined, and any invoice amounting to less than this limit does not require manual approval, thereby streamlining the approval process. Invoices below the set value will be processed through the workflow automatically, unless warnings or errors occur related to these invoices.

Automatically approved NPO invoices will be displayed in the workflow members' Previous invoices section, but users will not receive a notification concerning these invoices.

Common currencies are converted to the company's default currency before comparison, and credit invoices are treated as absolute values (e.g., -1000 is treated as 1000).


💡 This feature, combined with auto-AP and auto-TTP, enables end-to-end touchless processing for NPO invoices.



  1. Navigate to Admin > Companies > Select a company > Invoice types.
  2. You can either create a new invoice type or modify an existing one.
  3. On NPO invoice type row, click Auto approval active and choose an Auto approval treshold (= monetary limit for the approval).
