Workflow Management

What does workflow in Dooap mean? How to utilize workflow?

Efficient workflow management is crucial for smooth invoice processing in Dooap. Workflow is a set of tasks (reviewing and approving) which need to be completed, before an invoice can be transferred to payment. This article provides a comprehensive guide on adding and managing tasks within your workflows, ensuring clarity and efficiency.

Workflow Management


In Dooap, workflows are flexible and can be easily built and modified. The workflow is displayed in the upper panel, where it can be utilized and managed. The displayed workflow corresponds to the currently active invoice, which is highlighted in blue and can be in any of the sections: Previous, Active, or Next invoices.

active invoice

By selecting a different invoice as active, the workflow in the upper panel updates to reflect that specific invoice.

Adding a task

To add tasks or steps to a workflow, click the circle with a + sign, and choose whether you want to add a reviewer or an approver.

Reviewers do not need a monetary approval limit, allowing anyone to fulfil this role, while approvers must have a sufficient monetary limit for the invoice in question. Multiple reviewers can be added in sequence, but reviewer steps will be placed before approver steps in the workflow order.



If you are unable to locate an approver from the user list, please verify the following details:

  1. Check the total amount of the invoice on invoice header.
    → If the approval limit is lower than the invoice amount, the approver cannot be added to the invoice.
  2. Check, which company you have selected for the invoice.
    → The approver must have same the company added on user management Admin side.
  3. Check, which invoice type you have on the invoice on invoice header.
    → The approver must have the same invoice type added on to approval limits on user management.
  4. Check, what currency is selected to the invoice.
    → If the currency differs between user approval limits and an invoice, Dooap will calculate with currency rates (works only with most common currencies like EUR, USD etc.).
     With uncommon currencies you should add these to user approval limits.


Changing a task assignee

You can change the assignee by clicking the circle and selecting Change handler. If you have added user groups have been added on the Dooap admin side, the handler can also be a user group.


Removing a task

Tasks can be removed as long as they haven't been closed. Click the circle and select Remove task. However, the last approval task cannot be removed from non-PO invoices, as one approval is mandatory.


Splitting a task to multiple users

Tasks can be split among multiple users, creating a new track in the workflow that allows multiple tasks to be open to different users simultaneously. The workflow can only be split from one task. If the workflow is split from a review task, the approval task is also split.


  1. Select a reviewer and approver for the workflow.


  2. Split the review step by clicking the reviewer circle, select Split task and choose another reviewer from the list.


  3. The approver from the first track is automatically added to the second track. You can change the approver by clicking the circle if you want the second track to have a different approver.



Adding a user in the middle of the workflow

While viewing an invoice, users can click on the three horizontal lines on the approver's name to add an approver. Once selected, the approver will appear within the workflow. Adding an approver mid-workflow on the admin page works the same way as doing so while viewing an invoice.

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Adding an approver mid-workflow on the admin page works the same as adding an approver mid-workflow by viewing an invoice.