Issues Approving an Invoice

How to proceed when approving an invoice is not working?

If clicking the Approve button does not work, please follow these steps to resolve the situation:

  1. Are there errors or warnings regarding that invoice in right corner of the invoice header fields?
    → Click the red/yellow box to see further details. If there are warnings/errors regarding different invoices, the invoice specific details will be displayed once you click the number of the invoice from the black box.

    Error invoice

  2. Check that next workflow step is assigned to someone.
    → If the next workflow step is unassigned, approving won't work. Please assign the next step to a user to approve the invoice.

  3. If these steps won't resolve the issue, please contact us
       → Include the following details to your message:
    1. Invoice number and vendor name.
    2. The name of the user who tried to approve the invoice.
    3. The time when the user tried approving the invoice.