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  2. Key User Guide
  3. Invoice Handling: Features and Functions

Splitting the Invoice into Multiple Invoices

How to proceed when multiple invoices are included in a single PDF file? How to divide an invoice into multiple invoices?

If you receive multiple invoices within a single file, they will need to be separated into individual invoices in Dooap.

To divide the invoice file into multiple invoices, please use the Invoice Splitter tool found in the upper right corner of the invoice image.


User Configuration


  1. Navigate to Admin > Roles.
  2. Select the role you would like to give permission for splitting invoices.
  3. Click permission enabled for "InvoiceSplitter".

    invoice split permis


Splitting the Pages


  1. Open the Invoice Splitter from the invoice.

    invoice splitter

  2. Click the split icon located in the thumbnail picture on the right side of the invoice.

    Invoice split icon

  3. Use arrow up and arrow down keys from your keyboard to navigate between pages.
  4. When the right page is active (displayed in white, other pages are in grey), press space key from you keyboard to split the page. You will then see on the left side, how the invoice would be splitted.

    splitting the invoice

    In this scenario, pages 1 and 2 represent individual invoices. Selecting to split either page 1 or 2 will yield the same result, as there are only two pages involved.

    The interface indicates on the left side which pages will constitute a separate invoice post-split.

    For instance, if there are 5 pages where pages 1 through 4 comprise one invoice and page 5 is another, you should split at page 5. Consequently, pages 1-4 will remain grouped as one invoice, while page 5 becomes a separate invoice.

    If you do not want to include all the pages in the split groups, those pages will be stored in the archive.
  5. When the split looks correct, click Finalize splitting under the invoice image.
  6. The new invoices will either be sent for Capture or imported as PDF files, depending on the original document importing method.
    1. Please note that invoices imported using the Dooap Capture service will be sent back for further processing as separate invoices.
    2. Invoices not processed through Dooap Capture will be imported as plain PDFs.
    3. Attachments will not be transferred to the split invoices. You can find the attachments in the original archived invoice.


Other option is to select the pages manually from the left side. You can edit which page/pages will constitute a separate invoice and add pages.