September 2023 - version 1.2.23

Release date for production: September 17th, 2023


  • This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.23 for D365. Update of D365/AX2012 is not mandatory but some of the fixes or features require the Dynamics package to be installed. Features that need the package are marked with a *.
  • Support added for D365 versions 10.0.35 and 36.

New Features 

  • Possibility to "download" or "print" multiple invoice pictures on the same time on search page:
    • Choosing downloading you are able to save invoices as separate files.
    • Choosing printing you are able to save all invoices to one pdf-file.

  • Purchase order number has been added to the email reminder and overdue dates are highlighted.
  • Company recognition takes now into account the company on the recognized purchase order.
  • Company recognition can also utilize the D365 entity addresses in recognizing the correct company. Please contact support for activating this feature.
  • New project coding validation setups added. Now it is possible to set mandatory filling  requirements for project categories and project numbers.
  • Users now have the ability to automatically assign machine learning generated workflows based on their selected confidence level, as long as there is no other default workflow available. To activate this feature, please reach out to our support team.
  • Company code has been added to 'workflows associated' information on the Admin pages to better see which companies the workflows are being used in.
  • The security invoice function now applies to not only hiding the invoice picture of classified data but also to additional files such as XML data and attachments.
  • Search:
    • Added new search criteria to allow users to search for invoices that have been returned, copied, classified, or put on hold.
  • Users now have the ability to expand the Product Receipt field by double-clicking or by using hover.
  • Position hierarchy now functions when default approvers or reviewers are used as well.
  • Dooap Capture now has the ability to support emails that contain embedded emails with invoice images. Each email is processed separately.
  • Many new dropdown menus in invoice handling and admin pages have been reorganized to improve navigation and selection in either a descending or alphabetical order.
  • The appearance and user interface of the tenant selection view have been updated. This change is applicable only for users who are operating in a multitenant environment.
  • Vendor organization number length has been increased to 100 characters. (Dependent on dynamics setups).
  • The bank account validation process now disregards any spaces in the bank account number, ensuring a more efficient and accurate validation process.
  • An additional Error ID has been included in the notifications to assist with reporting and resolving support cases. This new feature aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of troubleshooting processes.


  • Project invoices: project sales currency is no longer read from the invoice currency. Sales currency is taken from Project contract or accounting currency.*
  • AX2012: fix for default project financial dimensions not coming in the correct order to Dooap. *
  • Updates to the row level Purchase Order matching suggestions.
  • The issue of data mixing on drop-down menus when using multiple environments (e.g. uat and production) has been resolved. Users will no longer experience any conflicts or discrepancies in the data displayed on the menus.
  • Search:
    • The "SearchAll" permission no longer grants users the ability to modify invoice matching or make changes to the attachment section of the invoice.
    • The user interface has been updated to ensure that users can now see and edit presets, even when they are in the last position on the list.
    • The issue where the three dots were not visible next to the user name when sharing a preset with a user has been fixed in the user interface.
    • Modifying preset no longer adds a number to the preset name
    • The function to hide presets is now fully functional.
    • The attachments page now displays a visible scroll bar.
    • Users now have access to the Paste button when their user rights are granted through a user group.
    • The issue where exporting results to Excel would convert the invoice and due date to the user's timezone has been resolved. Now, when exporting to Excel, the invoice and due date will remain in their original form without any timezone conversion.
  • On Admin – Companies – Invoice types page the tolerances can now be changed back to zero.
  • The issue where the due date from the purchase order (PO) was not functioning properly with the Change Entity Framework (CEF) when the due date was empty has been resolved. Previously, the due date would default to 01.01.1900, but this is no longer the case.
  • Import errors are no longer caused by invoices that have special characters in their file names.
  • Insurance-related miscellaneous charges are now handled accurately.
  • A fix has been implemented for the issue where email notifications were not being sent when a user had an empty Notification email column and someone tried to send an FYI invoice to that user. Now, the invoice history will be updated to indicate that the email was not sent to that specific user, while other emails will remain unaffected.

  • Visibility issue has been resolved when transferring to dynamics, ensuring that the "remit to" address is now visible.
  • The duplication check now functions again without the need for the user to manually refresh their browser.


  • A new feature has been added to display the descriptions of coding values. This setting enhances the understanding of the values used in the system.
  • A new navigational hint has been added to help users easily move between different sections of an invoice. This feature provides a more intuitive and efficient way to navigate within the application.
  • Added indicators to display the current invoice section page that the user is on.
  • Total of misc charges and remaining quantity added to Purchase Order invoices
  • Sales tax amount is now visible on the Purchase order invoices.
  • Renamed and shortened several fields in the mobile app (e.g. Invoiced Quantity => Quantity)


  • AP Tools – Tasks by delegate: Original invoice receiver added to the report
  • AP Tools – History of user rights: User group filter and approval limit invoice type column added to the report
  • Tooltips added to CFO Dashboards and AP Tools report
  • Vendor analytics – Vendor list:
    • Default reviewer, Default approvers and Default workflow added
    • A drill down function added to segregate vendor data if a vendor contains multiple account numbers


  • Old Transfer to Payment page view has been removed. 

Known Issues

  • When Procurement category Purchase Order contains line discounts invoices transferred to D365 stop at pending invoices and might need manual corrections if associated with miscellaneous charges. 
  • If an purchase order related invoice contains both regular sales tax lines and use taxes, invoice is posted with errors.
  • Not all tax codes are updating from D365. If any problems with the updates, a scheduled import should be used instead of the change entity framework sync (CEF).
  • Creating new validation rule templates is not currently working. Please contact our support team if new validation templates are needed. Existing templates can be modified in Admin.