September 2022 - version 1.2.18

Release date for production: September 18th, 2022


  • Dooap UI only release. This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.17 for D365. 

New Features

  • When searching for an invoice number in Transfer to Payment, the invoice number will now be highlighted in the batch.
  • Shortcut list updated with: D= current date when used in date fields and Arrow down = calendar when used in date fields.
  • Journal number added to history log for non-PO invoices. Note: only invoices transferred after the release.
  • For Finnish customers using VAT and Tax registry check, 2 check boxes added on Admin-> Vendor page
  • Name of “Distribution date” column has been changed to “Accounting date” on accounting distribution table header line
  • "Something went wrong" error messages as well as other error/warning messages can now be closed by pressing ESC button
  • Changed the default text on comment field:
  • Invoice import improvements to support bigger volumes
  • Database performance improvements
  • Changed text on manual invoice import (i.e. +Add Invoices)
  • Ability to set project coding as Vendor default (Admin -> Vendor page). When the setting enabled, all the incoming invoices will have a default Project coding line as opposed to a Ledger line.
  • We now show an icon for data values we are importing into Dooap database every 5 mins
  • Changed the text on the Matching quantity and Matching Price field on PO matching sceen.  New text will read: Quantity and Price with hovers retaining the old names (Matching quantity and Matching Price)

Search 2.0

  • "Open PO in D365" - link added to invoice matching screen
  • Bank account number is visible when selecting it to an invoice
  • Opening invoices which contain a # in the name, is now possible
  • Custom fields added as search facets
  • "Apply" - button added to search facets. If facet list is too long scrolling should be done by using a mouse.
  • "Cancel" and "Apply" buttons added in the PO matching screen
  • Journal number added as a column for non PO invoices
  • Blue arrow removed when deselecting sorting order - red arrow indicates that sorting is in effect
  • Sales tax is now editable on PO invoices
  • Invoice status is now displayed properly in Finnish


  • Search:
    • Sorting coding line keeps sorting when values are changed
    • Summaries at PO invoices show now 2 decimals
    • Changing invoice type asks for a confirmation
  • Fixed bug when Accounting distributions drop downs did not correspond to the financial dimension names
  • Fixed bug when changing company code was not possible if DB contained 2 similar company code names, for example FRS and FRSI.
  • Auto-transfer field now visible on Payment Request screen
  • On transfer page, selecting columns for one batch now applies to all transfer batches
  • Fixed bug when user was not able to approve an invoice when chain delegation was present (user 1 has a delegate to user 2, user 2 has an active delegate for user 3)
  • Fixed bug when delegation chain did not consider the periods of delegation and falsely announced that the person chosen as a delegate was away
  • Conditional approval works now with split workflows
  • Delegation dates in delegation window now match the workflow dates 

Known Issues

  • When Procurement category PO contains line discounts, invoices transferred to D365 stop in pending invoices
  • Invoices with percentage based miscellaneous charges with taxes are posted with incorrect accounting distributions for those misc charges causing an over/under distributed error.