Search Function

How can invoices be searched? What functions are in the Search view?

Searching invoices is possible in the Search view. This article guides you with different functions in that view.


Search Features


search view

  • Free text search - The system will automatically recognize if you are searching for a company, vendor, invoice type, approver, PO#, etc. Use quotations around the search value for a more defined result (f.ex. "674883").
    • Using the * symbol will allow you to search for partial values.
  • Date or Period - Select the date you are looking for - add a single value from the calendar or use a range. You can leave the ending day unselected and only select the starting date for a open-ended period.
  • Amount or Range - Add a single value or range. 
  • Filter preset - Use a preset for a filter. To create a preset to use later on, first select the search criteria (for example date and status), and then click Filter preset > Create.
  • Export search results - Export your current search results to Excel for further analysis or reconciliation.
  • Filters Utilize the displayed filters such as Header or Status. To see all available filters, click the "Show all filters" button.
    • When selecting multiple filters at once, Currently applied filters displays already applied filters and Selected filters "new" selected ones. To apply the new selected filters to the search, click Apply.



Search results

  • Selecting invoices - One invoice can be selected from the + icon in the invoice row. Multiple invoices can be selected by clicking the checkbox.
    • If you select only one invoice, the workflow will be displayed in the upper panel.
      • Editing the workflow is possible, if the invoice is not yet approved (note, that not all workflow functions are available in this view).

  • Other functions - After selecting invoices, you can utilize other functions by clicking the black box with three dots.

    more functions

    • It is possible to:
      • Send the selected invoices back to the previous handler (depending on the state of the invoice).
      • Return the selected invoices back to AP (depending on the state of the invoice).
      • Put the selected invoices on hold at once.
      • Archive the selected invoices.
      • Download the selected invoices.
      • Print the selected invoices.
      • Send the selected invoices as FYI.

  • Sorting by multiple columns - Hover your mouse over any header field, to display an arrow down and an arrow up. There you can select the sorting, and make the sorting selection for multiple columns at once.


  • Modifying the view - From the settings wheel, you can select which columns are visible in the Search view and which are not. The active columns are displayed in white and the ones that are not in grey. Selecting and deselecting is possible by clicking the name of the column.

    active columns

  • Red highlight - Invoice numbers of duplicate invoices and missing amounts are highlighted in red.

    number amount red