Patch Notes (

Contents of the patch that will be delivered to Production Environments on December 29th, 2022


  • Social Security Requisition (SSR) data can be manually entered when information is not coming via interface
  • Support for OCR multiple receiving emails per company
  • Extending state field to 30 characters
  • New SQL indexes


  • Select all in SSR selection window works now
  • SSR amount field is displayed as numeric field
  • SSR now validity date window shows validity time without double click
  • Capture due date mapping error fixed when due date from 2023 defaulted back to 2022
  • MISC charge mapping error bug fixed. MISC charges from D365 are brought only to selected product receipts instead of all purchase order lines
  • Number of financial dimensions queries reduced when PO has multiple lines
  • Fix for CEF sending too many parallel requests which caused throttling
  • Deselecting of SSR does not drop all other SSR selections
  • SSR selections triggers DBA workflow
  • Invoice type change now drops SSR data
  • SSR fields are available in search facets
  • Automatic coding line is not created for SSR invoice type to avoid extra coding lines