January 2022 - version 1.2.14

Release date for production: January 16th 2022


This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.14 for Dynamics 365/AX2012. Update of Dynamics 365/AX2012 is not generally mandatory but some of the fixes or features require the Dynamics package to be installed.

New Features

Non-PO Invoice processing:

  • All project categories are brought to the Dooap database but for non-PO invoices, only expense type is now selectable.
  • By default the invoices in the "Next" category will now be sorted based on new priorities. Most importantly, invoices with missing information or returned from the users in workflow, will be displayed as the first priority. Also the invoices that have been created by using the "copy invoice" -function, will be on top. After those, invoices are ordered with the posting date and cash discount and due dates.
  • Also we have added several coding line performance improvements to make the coding more fluent and to support better multiline situations.

PO Invoice processing

  • Link has been added to the Purchase order selection of an Invoice in Dooap that opens the Purchase order(s) in Dynamics 365: This can be enabled upon request. If you would like to have this enabled, please send an email to support@dooap.com
  • Project ID, Activity, and Category from PO lines are visible now in Dooap PO lines. Users can hover over the value for a description.
  • The following actions are now being logged in the history log:
    • Selecting and removing a PO and/or product receipt
    • Removing a PO line
    • Changing accounting distributions
    • Changing matching quantity and/or price
    • Changing sales tax value
    • Adding/removing/de-allocating miscellaneous charges
    • When lines are fetched again from Dynamics 365 (reset lines)

Admin and Search

  • In the Admin/validation rules management you can now prevent changing the ledger or project coding lines on a specific workflow step. For example, if  the toggle is enabled on the Approval phase, approvers won't be able to edit any data on ledger or project coding lines
  • "Approver" column has now been added to the Search (beta). A knowledge base article to explaining the function will be released shortly.
  • Bank accounts can now be imported when ever there is a change in D365. The update cycle is maximum 5 minutes from the change. No user actions are needed for getting the updated information from Dynamics to Dooap. 
  • The New search was renamed to  Search 2.0 (beta). We are hoping to remove the old search site in the near future. Multiple new features were added to the new search:
    • Invoice clone and archive is now possible
    • Workflow improvements: adding conditional approval, fetch from orderer/requestor, selecting presets.
    • Non-PO invoice shows the difference if it is not fully coded
    • Fixed and issue where sorting header fields also sorted coding lines.
    • Miscellaneous charges are now visible in new search
    • Auto-AP added as selection criteria to workflow users. Known issue - if an invoice was archived from new status, it will show auto-AP as a user.

AX2012 Support

  • Fixed a situation where invoicing many partial deliveries on one invoice with unit conversion fails
  • Fixed the situation where partial invoice with two or more product receipts stops to pending
  • Added support for Activity being mandatory for project coding
  • Added the Project manager name to show in Dooap
  • Added the feature of being able to set Default approvers for Dimension based approval (in AX dimension owner setup)

Dynamics 365

  • Dooap support added for dynamics version 10.0.23
  • New design for Dooap work spaces in Dynamics 365

To implement or learn more of the new configuration possibilities in your Dooap environment, please contact support@dooap.com.



  • When deleting coding line(s), a new coding line is not automatically created again unless you open and close the invoice.
  • Fix for the situation when workflow presets are being duplicated (Admin/Workflow Presets)
  • Fix when dimension descriptions are not visible when using CTRL + SPACE shortcut. For companies that use the automated integration with Dynamics to import vendors, users need to mark “all as changed” in order to get the default dimensions descriptions visible. Also, for project expense category and project names descriptions are available. Note! Few exceptions when dimensions descriptions are not visible:
    • For default main account
    • When the coding line is copy/pasted from excel
    • For machine learning suggestions
  • Fixed  the situation when using the tabulator key in miscellaneous charges, the cursor focus moved wrongly to the next invoices table
  • Number fields can be entered without “ones” in place for example: 0.20 can be written .2
  • Fix for when there are no coding lines created, users can choose to have in validation rules all actions to “none”  and users can send invoice forward without a coding line if needed.
  • Fix for when the project is changed the default dimensions need to be revalidated and  changed accordingly
  • Prevented that invoices in Paid status can’t be archived in Search 2.0
  • Fix that in PO invoices field "allocated to invoices" when clicked it will show all invoices visible in Search when clicking the hyperlink. Also, tool-tip shows the allocated invoices.
  • Fix that Machine learning suggestion with long account structure would better fit to the tool-tip
  • Fix that approval limits can be updated without selecting the currency
  • Performance improvement for Dimension based approval invoices which have multiple splits
  • Fix for Dooap not remembering the last tenant user who was logged into
  • Validation rules work now project coding lines for sales taxes
  • Fix for when posting date is changing to the year 1900 in the Transfer to Payment page

Known Issues

  • Old value remains on method of payment field when changing companies
  • When Procurement category PO contains line discounts, invoices transferred to D365 stop in pending invoices
  • Remit to address is not visible on the Payment Request creation tab
  • Invoices with percentage-based miscellaneous charges with taxes are posted with incorrect accounting distributions for those miscellaneous charges causing Over/Under distributed error.

Mobile Fixes

  • Fix that allows users with valid access to be selected in dimension-based approval workflow
  • Fix that allows delegation in a multi-tenant environment
  • Validation fix for sales taxes when the taxes are selected and calculated in mobile
  • Fix for history page staying active even when going to different menu options