Sharing an Invoice with a User Outside the Workflow

How can an invoice be sent as FYI for a user outside the workflow?

It is possible to share an invoice with a user outside the invoice workflow. However, it is only possible to share invoices to users that have access to Dooap.

Sending an invoice "for information" (FYI) allows you to share invoice details with someone who is not part of the workflow. Currently invoices cannot be shared with user groups, only with users.

Sharing the invoice details with a specific user will grant that user permission to view the invoice. The sharing will be logged as an event in the invoice history log.

The user with whom the invoice is shared will be able to view the invoice and add comments, but they cannot perform any additional actions (such as rejecting or deleting the invoice) unless they are part of the workflow. If the invoice is a security class invoice, the invoice picture will not be visible, unless the user is a part of the workflow and has the permission to view security classification invoices.


How to send an invoice as FYI:


  1. Navigate to the Search view.
  2. Search the invoice you want to share as FYI for another user.
  3. Select the invoice from the checkbox, click the three dots and select Share.


  4. A pop-up window will open, where you can search the user to send the invoice as FYI. A comment is mandatory.
  5. To send the invoice as FYI, select Confirm.

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  6. If you want to cancel the sharing, remove the user from "Who you want to share invoice with?" by clicking the X icon.
    1. When the user is removed from the share list, the email link to view the invoice will no longer work for that user.
    1. If you want to undo the sharing, be quick. There is approximately one minute before the email is sent after confirming the sharing.
      1. If you want to change this time frame, please contact us via email


Notifying the user


  • The user will get a notification of the invoice that has been shared via email.
  • Each shared invoice will generate a separate email. 
  • Only 1 email per 1 invoice and 1 user will be sent.
    • If the email needs to be resent, the user can be removed from the share list and added again.