February 2024 - version 1.2.25

Release for production: Saturday, February 17th, 2024


This update is designed to work with the Dooap package 1.2.25 for D365. While updating D365/AX2012 is not required, some of the fixes or features do require the installation of the Dynamics package. Features that need the package are marked with an *.

New Features 

  • Invoice import improvements
    • Vendor recognition improvement for vendor name and address. Each criterion has its own confidence score, and when the confidence score exceeds a certain threshold, the suggestion will be automatically applied. A history log will show which criteria were used to determine the correct vendor.
    • Enable due date from XML – when this option is disabled, the system will disregard the due date specified in the invoice's XML file. Instead, the due date will be automatically calculated based on the payment term selected for the invoice. 
    • Use vendor default currency – when this option is enabled, the system will disregard the currency specified in the invoice's XML file and apply the vendor's default currency instead.
  • Validation rules for PO invoices:
    • mismatch in invoice amount and matched lines
    • prepayment notification
    • tax groups
    • account structure for accounting distributions
    • negative remaining quantity (Note! This will also flag credit notes)

  • New field:
    • Inventory serial number added to PO invoices’ columns. *
    • PO numbers now visible in invoice headers.
  • Workflow
    • Workflow section is now smaller to show more approvers. 
    • Workflow background will not turn white in cases where workflow has many users. 
    • Workflow reviewer selection has been optimized to work faster. 
    • Added workflow hover to display user’s / user groups’ full name. 
  • User interface improvements 
    • User can define the size of the invoice picture area with zoom scale located in user's settings
    • Users now have the ability to define how the dates and numbers based on their own preferences (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy vs dd/mm/yyyy).
    • Users have the option to expand a column by double-clicking on its header. It is important to note that only up to four columns can be expanded at a time. If a user expands a fifth column, the first one that was expanded will automatically collapse.
    • Previous invoices section on front page is now collapsed by default to give users more space.
    • By default, the first invoice in the active sections will be automatically expanded for easier viewing and accessibility.
    • In Search, invoice picture’s side menu is no longer overlapping with the scroll bar. 
    • An error message will be displayed if a user does not have a worker assigned while using the position hierarchy.
    • Changed the way Dooap version is display in the footer.
  • Dooap can now automatically select the default remit to address when there are multiple addresses in the Vendor Master Data. *
  • Modifying the Method of Payment and cash discount code on PO invoices within Dooap will carry over to D365. *
  • Setting delegate via impersonating is now possible
  • Purchase order's delivery address is now populated to D365's vendInvoiceInfo table upon invoice posting. *
  • User is notified when automatic invoice transfer is in progress.


  • Dooap mistakenly identified currency invoices as exceeding the tolerance limit. 
  • Fixed bug when matching POs with many rows gave an error. 
  • Deleting invoice type removes the invoice type from all companies at once. 
  • Fix for the issue that when user changed quantity on project invoices those invoices would no longer post. *
  • Fix for the issue where automatching would not work if price unit was not 1.
  • Payment request invoice type can now be created manually. Note: only one active invoice base type 4 can exist. If there was a deactivated payment request invoice type, upon creating new one, the old one will be activated. 
  • Resolved issue where the ML suggestion in the workflow would not generate split workflows.
  • Fetching PO lines does not make charges group disappear. 
  • Selected workflow preset is now shown on the invoice. 
  • When there are 2 reviewers in workflow and approver is missing, reviewer 1(group) can now still send the invoice to reviewer 2. 
  • Fix for validating if posting period is open.*
  • Resolved issue, where manually created recurring invoices did not inherit setting to "transfer automatically" to D365.

Mobile fixes

  • Stability improvements for iOS


  • AP tools

    • Due date slicer added to All Invoices page.

    • Invoice count changed to distinct invoice count in Ledger Fast Close.

    • History of user rights report shows current company from approval limits if the log entry does not have related company and company changes have not been done to the corresponding approval limit.

    • User emails added to Approval limits and User right history tasks.

    • CustomData1 added to List of open invoices.

  • Process automation

    • Adjusted touchless rate removed.

  • Procurement analytics

    • Purchase volume report page added.

  • Datamodel

    • Auto AP logic changed to have both integration user and blank user.


  • Support for D365 version 10.0.38
  • Security:
    • Improved access control
    • Additional cross site scripting protection
    • Enhanced user session management
    • Enhanced user image protection
    • Updated libraries to latest security patch level
    • Improved protections against injection attacks

Known Issues

  • Procurement category PO invoice with line discounts, stops at pending invoices and might need manual corrections if associated with miscellaneous charges. 
  • If an PO related invoice contains both regular sales tax lines and use taxes, invoice does not post.
  • Not all tax codes are updating from D365. If any problems with the updates, a scheduled import should be used instead of the change entity framework sync (CEF).
  • Address is not updated with change entity framework sync (CEF) if vendor is not saved