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  2. Key User Guide
  3. Invoice Handling: Features and Functions

Invoice Document Handling

How can a document (invoice image) be handled?

Invoice Preview

The icon in front of an invoice row indicates which invoice document is being shown on the right side.

Invoice image shown




There are multiple functions that you can utilize for the invoice document.


Zooming and changing pages


You can zoom in/out and reset the default view on an invoice image.

  • Zooming in: Press the + button in the top left corner.
  • Zooming out: Press the - button in the top left corner.
  • Resetting default view: Press the 100% button in the top left corner.

The pages of the invoice can be changed by clicking the numbers in the bottom right.


Invoice image zoom and pages



Collapsing and expanding 


If you want to temporarily hide the invoice image to get more space for invoice header data, click on Collapse above the invoice image.

The preview of the image of the invoice can be opened back by clicking Expand.


invoice image collapse



Opening the invoice image in a new window or as PDF


To open an invoice image in a new window, click Open in a new window.

  • The invoice image opens in a new window or new tab depending on the browser settings.
  • Please make sure you have pop-ups enabled on your browser.

To view invoice image as a PDF, click Open as PDF.

  • When you open an invoice as a PDF, you can download or print it, if needed.
  • Please note that any changes made to the invoice image within Dooap do not transfer to the PDF software.


Open as PDF


Adding an attachment


To add an attachment to an invoice, click on the paperclip icon, and then either drop your file into the dialog box or click to select a file from your computer.

The supported file types are: .xls, .xlsx, .tiff, .tif, .jpg, .jpeg, .asice, .edoc and .pdf.


attachments new