Who will receive email notifications of invoices and when? Why the approver doesn't receive email notifications?
The approvers will receive a daily email when they have invoices pending their approval.
- The notification email will be sent only if the approver has something to approve.
- If the approver is not receiving the notification emails please see the instructions at the end of this article.
The emails are sent from these addresses:
- EU PROD: DooapEU@dooap.net
- EU UAT: DooapEU-UAT@dooap.net
- US PROD: DooapUS@dooap.net
- US UAT: DooapUS-UAT@dooa.net.
Email Notification
Here you can see an example of the email notification.
The header data from each invoice is included in the body of the email, allowing the approver to easily identify which invoices are pending approval.
Timing of the notifications
Emails are sent out daily at the time decided by the project team during the onboarding process. The time set is set at the company level and not at the approver level.
If an approver would like to change the time they receive their email notification, please contact Dooap support (support@dooap.com).
Issue With Receiving the Notifications
If the approver is not receiving email notifications of invoices pending approval, please follow these instructions.
- First, the user should check the spam folder of the email application.
- If the emails have been sent to the spam folder, we recommend adding the sender's address to the safe senders list to prevent this from happening in the future.
- If the notifications are not found from the spam folder, the D365 Admin user should check that a correct email address is added to the user account in D365 User Options.
- In case step 1 and 2 did not resolve the issue, the IT department should check the user's firewall settings and email server settings.
- If the issue still persists, the main user should contact Dooap support via email support@dooap.com. Please include the following information in the email:
- The name of the user who is not receiving email notifications.
- The correct email address of the user.
- Has the user received email notifications earlier? Or has the issue occurred always?