Action Buttons On Invoice Handling

What can you do with the two action buttons?

On Active invoices section, there are two action buttons: a checkmark and a return button.

  • With the checkmark, you can approve a task.
  • With the return button, you can send the invoice back to the previous handler or to AP and you can archive an invoice.


Closing (approving) a task

To approve a task, the invoice needs to be in the Active invoices section. To move an invoice there, select it from the Next invoices section and choose whether you want to add it to Active invoices or replace invoice(s) in Active invoices section with the selected invoice(s).

Move to active

The arrow on the left replaces the invoice(s) in the Active invoices section. The arrow on the right adds the selected invoice(s) to the Active invoices section.

You can have multiple invoices in active invoices table. When you click the approve button, all invoices will be approved simultaneously. A number of invoices shown above of approving sign.



Sending an invoice back

You can send invoice back to previous handler or to AP by clicking the return button.


Then you can select whether you want to return it to the previous handler or to AP (first step in the workflow). You need to add a comment before you can continue.



Archiving invoice


If you don’t want to transfer an invoice to AX2012/D365, but don’t want to delete it entirely, you can archive it. Click the return button and choose Archive this invoice (Archiving is permanent), see more via archiving article.


If an invoice needs to be reactivated, it can be copied as a new invoice (see copying invoices).