Vendor not visible in Dooap

Can't find a vendor to an invoice via drop-down menu.

  1. Check that you have right company selected in invoice header. (Vendors are brought by company to Dooap)
  2. You have a right company but still vendor doesn't show up, then check can you find it in admin side via vendor management (if you don't have access to there, ask your main user to check it).
    1. Vendor can be found in vendor management but still can't be chosen to an invoice 
      → Check that vendor doesn't have not active box ticked (this will block vendor visibility in drop-down selection). 
      → Check that vendor has been added to right company in D365
      vendor4→ if still issue occurs then send a ticket to Dooap support.
    2. Vendor can't be found in vendor management.
      → Move to AXImport -tab and check those vendor check boxes then run AXImport. Remember to check on the right that import have success mark and last success time is right.vendor5After AXImport move back to step 2.
      → If Vendor doesn't showed up to Dooap after AXImport then ask your D365 main user to check that vendor is created into D365.