Release date for production: October 19th, 2020
This update corresponds with the Dooap package 1.2.8 for D365. Update of D365/AX2012 is not mandatory but some of the fixes or features require the Dynamics package to be installed.
New Features
- Hiding the invoice image for Secure invoices
- Only persons who are assigned as part of the workflow can see the invoice image
- Invoice can manually be flagged as a security class invoice by clicking the
-icon (right toolbar). Only the person who has flagged the invoice as secure can remove the flagging.
- (applies only to customers receiving e-Invoices):
- Invoice is recognized and flagged as a security class invoice while imported to Dooap. Security class invoices are recognized by a TEAPPS 2.7 / 3.0 format <Header >/ <Security details> / <Secrecy class> element.
- Invoices which are automatically recognized as security class invoices cannot be unflagged.
- Excel import of NON-PO invoice coding lines
- Coding lines can be copied from Excel to Dooap for several columns and rows at the time. Learn more by clicking this link.
- Improvements to Transfer to Payment (applies only customers already using the new transfer to payment)
- Auto-transfer of invoices which have ‘auto-transfer’ tick selected on invoice level. When invoice has this tick on it will automatically transferred to D365 if it has no errors and warnings
- Batches can be searched based on vendor, invoice number, batch creation date, auto-post, and auto-transfer fields
- Filter for invoices which are automatically transferred to D365
- When invoice image is viewed by any new person it is marked to invoice history log.
- The add-on feature ‘Document transfer’ from dooap to D365 can be configured per company code.
- The New Search Engine will be available for selected pilot customers. The feature will be released for all customers during 2021.
To Implement or learn more of the new configuration possibilities in your Dooap, please contact
- Workflows: Possibility to remove users from different split branches
- Unnecessary history logging of header fields removed
- PO-Invoices with misc charges do not go to pending in D365 when there are default sales tax values behind the vendor and misc charges in D365
- Understandable error message when impersonator does not have enough permissions
- Login improvements when user session in Dooap expires
- Created date in invoice header matches to arrival date in invoice history log.
- Invoice import:
- reads the XML format directly from the XML file contents
- does not fail with filenames containing special characters like #
- Inactive company codes are no longer available for selection in invoice handling view
- History log shows correct number of decimals based on settings.
- New Transfer to Payment: Manually changing the batch status to green (after returning an invoice) does no longer make the returned invoice disappear
- HR position hierarchy: Approval limit is checked in position hierarchy when no-one has enough limit
- Payment request: Due date to update in payment request window according to payment terms
- Document transfer: improvement for large files and new error messages if transfer fails
- D365 User roles ‘DooapParameters’ & ‘DooapIntegration’ to access all needed forms
Known issues
- Old value remains to method of payment field when changing companies
- Procurement category PO’s: financial dimensions are emptied when main account field is selected
- Procurement category PO’s containing line discount: invoices transferred to D365 stop at pending invoices
- When a PO-invoice is auto-approved, active user is shown as delegate to the original marked user
- Vendor management drops details when double-clicking vendor name. Default back account selector includes banks from all vendor selected during the session. Workaround is to refresh page often.
- When first approver is removed from split workflow all branches are removed
- Workflow chain gets broken if last person in the approval chain removes approval step
Mobile New features
- Tips for swipe actions in mobile. New users can have tips how to approve and skip invoices, how to get into invoice details and how to get into side menu. Users can choose not to show the tips again.
- User images visible when selecting approvers in the workflow
- New look and feel for returning invoice and refreshing when there are no invoices
Mobile Fixes
- When remaining amount is zero, color is changed to green (instead of red)
- Project coding line fields now in same order as in web application
- User image is not highlighted in blue anymore when there are no substitutes
- When last invoice is approved: no more warning message displayed
- Errors and Warnings screen is not displayed (at all) when all errors and warnings are corrected on the invoice
- Approval undo: invoice returns to the stack in correctly
- Approvers are not overlapping with search area
- New field: Quantity in project coding line
Mobile known issues:
- Previous invoices and invoice history not retrieving data correctly