Re-transfer an invoice from Dooap to D365

Sometimes the transfer to D365 fails. Follow the steps below to resolve the errors.

1. Open the failed transfer batch and choose the invoice(s) that needs to be re-transferred. Check the Return checkbox for the invoices and click the return button on the right side. 


2. Wait until Dooap changes the Transfer status to 'Returned'  and the batch color is changed to green.


3. Go to Approved invoices section and click '+' to open invoice(s) which you have returned.


4. Next we'll need to understand why the transfer failed (what's the error on the invoice). To do this, navigate to invoice history tab (1) on the right - here we can see a detailed error message which has been generated by Dynamics. 

5. Correct the invoice based on the error message. In this example invoice has been transferred without invoice amount and we'll correct that.


6. Once the invoice(s) have been corrected, we can proceed to re-transfer them. Select the invoice(s) (1) and click the Transfer -button (2)


7. Wait and until the new batch has been transferred and turns to green. If you get an error again - re-start the process from step 1.

If you have to re-transfer multiple invoices then you should first do steps 3 & 4 to all those invoices. After that, you can select all those invoices and transfer them all in one batch to D365.

8. If you come across this error message when trying to retransfer an invoice, this means that the invoice was not returned correctly on the TTP page. The workflow was reset from the Search and sent through the workflow again and therefore appeared in the Approved section of TTP. To transfer the invoice successfully, be sure to return the invoice from the Transferred invoice section so that it appears in the Approved invoice section of TTP then proceed to Transfer the invoice again.