Can't add an invoice to Dooap

Trying to add an invoice to Dooap but invoice never showed up in Dooap.

  1. Check that invoice file you trying to add, it has a correct file extension (.pdf or .xml)
  2. If you have XML-file, check that you have also PDF pair for it (Dooap can't add an XML invoice without PDF)
  3. Check that XML and PDF have the same filename (example invoice10.xml and invoice10.pdf)
  4. If you are trying to add only PDF-file and an invoice doesn't show up in Dooap
    → Check that PDF filename doesn't include any special characters.
  5. For more advanced users, check your XML-file have correct values.

    1. Date need to have correct day, month, century and decade&year like this:

      <DAY>19</DAY> (Value should be between 1-31)
      <MONTH>8</MONTH> (Value should be between 1-12)

    2. Amount values can't include currency. There should be just value.


    3. Text values (like customer name or street address) can't include special characters like % & # etc.


If these steps didn't resolve an issue, then contact to us

Please attach those invoice files to the ticket/email, it would help us to resolve the issue.